From the 1st of January 2025, users on Essentials (free) subscriptions will only be able to upload, store, process, and analyse datasets that are contributed to our publicly accessible FAIR Geo global map.
Users on our paid Professional accounts will continue to have the choice to make their datasets available on the FAIR Geo global map, or keep them private to their workspace.
To align with this change, we ask that you take action on any current private datasets by 31 December 2024:
Upgrade to a paid account to continue accessing your private datasets in your workspace; or
Make your datasets openly available on the FAIR Geo global map, or
Delete your private datasets from your workspace.
Follow the instructions below to action your choice.
1. Navigate to
2. From your dashboard, click into your workspace
3. Click "Datasets"
4. Recognise the difference between your FAIR datasets (with a globe) and those that are private to your workspace (no globe).
The first dataset in the list below is not FAIR.
Adding to FAIR Geo global map
In the bottom right corner of each dataset card, you will see three vertical dots.
Click that and select "Add to FAIR Geo"
Click "Yes, make public and FAIR"
Deleting a dataset
In the bottom right corner of each dataset card, you will see three vertical dots.
Click that and select "Delete"
Type "delete forever" into the pop up window to confirm your intent.
Press "Enter" or click "Yes, please delete".
Upgrading your subscription
From the left hand menu, click "Management"
Click "Billing" and select your upgraded plan.