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Managing your data
Managing your data

Covering upload, storage, and dataset processing

How are GeoNadir habitat categories determined?
Editing dataset metadataAdding or changing details about the data you upload
Formatting dataset descriptions
What is a tile mapping service (TMS)?
Downloading datasets and images
How do I delete a dataset?
Is there a legend or key for the DSMs and DTMs?How to interpret the color ramp display for the DSM and DTM products
Working with multiple folders of drone dataFollow these simple steps to make sure your datasets are processed effectively
How can I visualize my multispectral data in a GISHow to open your multispectral data in ArcGIS Pro and QGIS
Managing datasets in Essential workspacesHow to manage Private datasets if downgrading from a paid to free account.
Setting the access and availability for your datasetsSetting your data as private to your workspace, or contribute to the FAIR Geo global map