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Keyboard shortcuts

Learning these shortcuts will significantly increase your mapping efficiency

Karen Joyce avatar
Written by Karen Joyce
Updated over 2 weeks ago

You can access these shortcuts while editing and analyzing your data inside a project and navigating a map. We are continually adding more, so check back again soon, and let us know if there are others you can think of that you would like to use!


Esc close an open pop up
+ zoom out
- zoom in
Z zoom to global extent (datasets); zoom to all layers (projects)
Shift hold and use your mouse to draw a box around an area to zoom in to
home move the map interface one entire screen to the left
end move the map interface one entire screen to the right
PgUp move the map interface one entire screen up
PgDn move the map interface one entire screen down
Up arrow move the map up
Down arrow move the map down; move the selected feature down by one pixel at a time
Left arrow move the map left
Right arrow move the map right

Space hold to temporarily enact the pan tool while otherwise in the select tool

Shift + [ move layer up/forwards

Shift + ]move layer down/backwards

[move layer to the top / front
[ move layer to the bottom / back

S open the style bar

Editing / analysis

Esc change from any drawing tool to the pointer
R draw rectangle
T add text
Y draw polygon
O draw ellipse
P draw point
H pan
L draw line

K crop dataset to polygon
Delete delete selected layer or feature
Ctrl + Z undo last edit (use cmd on mac)
Ctrl + shift + Z redo last edit (use cmd on mac)
Up arrow move selected feature up one pixel
Down arrow move selected feature down one pixel
Left arrow move selected feature left one pixel
Right arrow move selected feature right one pixel

Shift + T terrain profile

Shift + V calculate volume

Ctrl + alt + + Dissolve more than one polygon together

Ctrl + alt + * Return the intersect of more than one polygon

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