Feb 2025 - 02
Split multi-part polygon features into single-part
Union tool has been renamed more correctly to 'dissolve'
Jan 2025 - 01
Table of contents now 'floats' over the top of a more expansive map and can be moved to any location around the interface
Range of aesthetic changes on the interface to enhance the mapping experience
Downloaded items no longer zipped - individual links available in the email for separate dataset components
Downloaded items will have the dataset ID within the filename
Copy, cut, and paste features within and between layers. Use the usual handy shortcuts (ctrl + c; ctrl + x; ctrl + v) or right click to access the menu
Enhancement on tool pop up windows to ensure that the selected pop up has the corresponding selected toolbar button
Dec 2024 - 12
Change to a variety of metric and imperial units for distance, area, and volume enabled within a project
Change default user preference for measurement units in all projects for distance, area, and volume enabled
Increased user limits available for Pro+ workspaces for photos as points
Visualize terrain profiles for multiple lines from different features and layers at once
Export terrain profiles to CSV
Nov 2024 - 11
Users can now calculate volume for multiple polygons within a layer at once
Export volumes to CSV files for further analysis and reporting in Excel or similar
Map features with a single text prompt using the feature finder
Oct 2024 - 10
Implemented the magic wand tool based on MetaAI's segment anything model (SAM) to rapidly detect features in image data
Users can now upload photos to add context to their projects, and use the Inspect tool to see the photos and get information about them
Click on photo thumbnails in the Inspect pop up to see full size photos, as well as add and edit notes.
Change the contrast of change detection layers
Access full functionality via the right click on change detection layers in the ToC
Sept 2024 - 09
Visualize and interact your multispectral data as a standard false color composite within a project
Inspect pixel values in multispectral data
Quantify change between two different datasets
August 2024 - 08
Extract feature heights with the calculate heights tool
Access your total storage used and area mapped under Billing in workspace management
July 2024 - 07
All geospatial tools now consolidated under the toolbox available from the top menu bar
Calculate volume including cut and fill using a dataset and single polygon
Determine dataset pixel values (RGB, DSM, DTM) and layer details using the Inspect tool
Ability to move the analytical pop ups and view multiple on the screen at once (volume, terrain profile, inspect, style bar)
Change the contrast of orthomosaics (RGB and greenness index), DSMs, and DTMs
June 2024 - 06
Terrain profiles are available for looking at elevation differences along a line
Calculate the greenness index to look at biomass and vegetation indicators with RGB data
May 2024 - 05
Enhanced style bar to change the symbology properties of point, line, polygon, and text annotation layers, as well as opacity and labels.
Introduced workspaces for enhanced collaboration within and between teams
April 2024 - 04
Enabled GCP corrections as part of the upload workflow
Ability to crop orthos, dsm, and dtm with a polygon
March 2024 - 03
Click on a 'dot' on the map in the projects summary page and the information card for that project will show
New user interface for integrated subscription plan management across website and platform to allow easy upgrade and downgrades
Modified user interface for intuitively adding data into projects, including vectors
Range of user interface enhancements and bug fixes for speed and performance
February 2024 - 02
Have built a search function in to project listing to allow you to easily find your projects based on project name, tags, categories, or description fields.
Sort your project listing based on alphabetical, date modified, or date created.
Click on any tag in your project card to filter your projects by that tag.
Thumbnails for project cards will autogenerate based on the content in the project. You can still add a custom thumbnail.
We have removed the project description from the project card to allow more room for relevant tags to aid searching and filtering projects. The project description can still be accessed under the project details.
Clicking on the dataset habitat category when adding data to a project will filter the search listing based on that category.
When adding a dataset to a project, you can now filter by dataset location (your own data and/or FAIR geo global map, habitat category (based on IUCN listing), and specific date range.
Project locations are viewable as a point rather than bounding box when zoomed out to broad scales.
Two or more polygon features within a layer can be combined with the 'intersect' tool into a single feature representing the common overlapping area. The input features will be replaced by the intersected feature.
Two or more polygon features in different layers can be combined with the 'intersect' tool into a single feature representing the common overlapping area as a new layer.
Users can search for and add existing datasets into a project from inside the project. This combines datasets they have uploaded themselves as well as those on the FAIR Geo global map.
Clarified workflow guiding new users to create a project and upload or add data.
January 2024 - 01
Two or more polygon features within a layer can be combined with the 'dissolve' tool to dissolve any overlapping areas into a single feature with combined area. The input features will be replaced by the dissolve feature. Non-overlapping dissolve features will become multi-part polygons.
Two or more polygon features in different layers can be combined with the 'dissolve' tool to merge any overlapping areas into new layer with features representing the combined area.
We have added a range of enhanced 'right click' actions that can be performed on layers, features, and map views, including but not limited to
Changing draw order to bring layers forward / backward / to the front / to the back
Copying the lat/lon location of the cursor inside a project map
Copying the map view to clipboard
Saving and downloading the map view to *.png
Use 'only show this layer' to hide all others in the map view
User can swipe between layers inside a project to compare what is underneath.
Dataset details are viewable from within a project as a pop up with a link to the full details page.
Datasets that the user has made available on the FAIR Geo global map are denoted by a globe icon. This replaces the red padlock that signified datasets not on the FAIR map.
Collaborators within a project can now access additional functionality (subscription level dependent) through layers and datasets including zoom to location, dataset details, remove data from project, delete layers, show/hide labels.
Features that are part of paid subscription plans are now designated with a yellow crown.
December 2023 - 12
Enabled support for multispectral uploads (*.tiff) and processing
Users with the appropriate subscription can download multispectral orthomosaics
Users can now invite collaborators in their projects to edit in real time. This includes creating, editing, and deleting point, line, polygon, and text features, as well as uploading drone mapping datasets into the shared project
Project owners can remove collaborators from a project
November 2023 - 11
Cursor location of collaborators within a project is now visible in real time
New upload workflow released. Any user-added metadata (description, tags, etc.) will now apply to all datasets uploaded in a single event. Note that if you want different metadata for your datasets, simply initiate another upload.
Entire map interface will accept drag and drop dataset uploads.
October 2023 - 10
Invite collaborators to comment on your project
Can reply to comments
Comment owner and project owner can resolve comments
All commenting in real time
New help desk integrated
September release: 2023 - 9
Delete unwanted datasets from your personal dataset listing
Invite collaborators to view your project
Avatars of those viewing your project will appear on the top menu bar
Markdown implemented in dataset description fields for powerful and personalized description formatting (see https://geonadir.productfruits.help/en/article/how-do-i-format-the-description-in-my-dataset-details-using-markdown)
Can upload datasets directly into a project for processing
Entire map interface of project will accept a drag and drop action for uploading drone mapping data
August releases: 2023 - 8
Share your projects by copying the URL
Draw a selection box or use the ctrl (cmd) key to select multiple features
Undo / redo last edit now also functioning for deleting layers
Speed enhancement on orthomosaic, DSM, and DTM image tile loading
Enhanced speed and stability on dataset uploads
Ability to continue to upload datasets while one is already in progress, with automated queuing
July release: 2023 - 7
Enhanced range of keyboard shortcuts for both navigating and digitising
Significantly improved editing experience for digitising within projects including:
Selected feature in either table of contents or the map will appear selected in both
Can delete features and layers
Add, move, and delete vertices within a line or polygon
Move selected point, line, or polygon feature
Undo / redo last edit (not yet functioning for deleted layers)
Select multiple features and layers at once in either the table of contents or the map
Freehand digitising for line and polygon features
Snapping is now available for all digitising. It is turned on by default, but you can turn it off by clicking the down arrow next to the project name along your top toolbar.
June release: 2023 - 6
Revised sign in / sign up procedure is now simplified within a one time passcode for ease and security
URLs in any map window are now dynamic and include the current view location and zooming level. Sharing this URL will enable others to access the identical view
Users can now interactively adjust transparency of an orthomosaic, DSM, and DTM within a project
It is now possible to rearrange the order of datasets within a project
May release: 2023 - 5
DSMs and DTMs are now available to browse via my datasets and on the FAIR Geo global map
When a dataset is added to a project, the DSM and DTM are also included with the orthomosaic
Variety of bugs fixed and minor enhancements
April release: 2023 - 4
Ability to import and export vector layers into Projects
Users can upgrade and downgrade accounts from within the new 'subscription' page under their user profile
Various other bugs and enhancements
March release: 2023 - 3
User can create, save, duplicate, and delete projects
User can save annotations from any map layer into a new or existing project
Users can zoom to a location and remove datasets within a project
Users can add datasets to project from dataset details
Users can change project name using in-line editing within a project
Decimal points are included for measurements in features
Added the ability to toggle the units between km and m while drawing features
Various other bugs and enhancements
February 2023 - 2
Redesigned slimline dataset cards with new icons, tags, a secondary menu, and functions
The thumbnail on the dataset is now the first photo of the dataset.
Category names are auto-assigned according to IUCN and represented with different colours.
Previous category assignments have been moved into tags
The dataset card now displays the date of acquisition.
Users can now view the dataset details by clicking the dataset card (zoom to location is now a secondary function)
Orthomosaic images can be toggled on and off manually from the dataset card.
Users with paid subscriptions can make a number of datasets private or FAIR (public).
Various other bugs and enhancements
January 2023 - 1
Tile mapping server links generated for users to stream orthomosaics in GIS platforms e.g. ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online, QGIS
Users can see dataset count, private dataset count, upload count, download count, and area mapped on the user profile page.
Ability to update the password in a separate tab on the profile page added.
Users can now view their private dataset count from the profile page.
Users can view and filter private datasets via my geo datasets page.
Various other bugs and enhancements
January Release Number: 2022.2.14
Users can mark datasets as private during the upload process.
Private users can change the privacy level of uploaded datasets
Various other bugs and enhancements
December release: 2022.2.13
Designed upload to refresh My datasets highlighting the upload area while file or folder drag and drop mouse hover
Designed upload popup banner with editable dataset title, review photos, and details.
Designed edit details page with edit functionality consisting of dataset description, captured by, institution, acknowledgment, and tags of individual datasets.
Designed uploading in progress percentage animation bar in the edit detail page on dataset upload
Designed confirmation message banner for uploading complete
Designed review photos page before upload
Designed the dataset upload section on the my-geo side panel along with dataset cards
Designed bbox area for the orthophoto generating process after dataset upload
Showed sign-in message if the user is logged out while trying to download raw photos and ortho photo
Redesigned the skinny tags on the dataset detail side panel to fit longer tags
Designed a social share popup banner
Designed downloading popup banner for raw photos
Designed multiple folder upload messages (choice of merging or separating the dataset)
Designed incompatible image format while uploading
Updated design for the empty datasets
Updated design for datasets with lots of data
Updated the upload page behaviour for multiple dataset upload
Created the ability for the user to do a final check on the images and the number of images before publishing
The user is now able to cancel the upload process at any stage before upload completion
The computer now wakes up until the upload is completed
The prompt message pops up reminding the user that the upload process is still active while trying to close the browser.
Users can now preview raw images before publishing through the upload
The user can edit the dataset title, description, captured by, institution, tags, acknowledgments, and location during the upload process before publishing
The metadata categories (uploaded by, date of capture, time of capture, drone/camera, image resolution, relative altitude, FOV, and the number of images in the dataset are added automatically.
Until the ortho photo is created the map will indicate “ Ortho Calculating” with a semi-transparent rectangle.
The timer limit for the upload per image has been increased from 50 sec to 500 sec so that the browser does not auto-fail the upload process for large-sized images.
When pressing back from the dataset details page, it now goes back to the previous zoom extent rather than global view
When selecting 'create layers' the zoom level now stays at the same zoom level so that the user can start creating without having to zoom
Anyone can now see another user’s social profile even without logging in
The upload pop up appearing issue has been resolved
The red dot on the detail page after ortho creation has been removed
October release: 2022.2.12
Designed My Geo - My Datasets
Designed the collapsible sidebar housing the GEO, My dataset, Global map, and profile logo
Designed the new filter search bar with advanced filter and shorting functionality
Designed edit page for dataset details
Designed a social share popup menu
Designed the side nav bar that expands on mouse hover
Designed the platform page compatible with responsive breakpoints for various screen resolutions and sizes
Removed the tooltip on the search bar
The share button popup now shows the user profile image instead of initials
Editing the location info in the dataset details page will not create an error in the dataset listing
Created the customised passwordless login pop-up message for returning users
Discontinued use of the showcase feature. Users who were using this are still able to access their showcases
September release: 2022.2.11
The public profile page now shows user uploaded public IC
Fixed the invalid token issues reset password message
The explore panel populates the most recently uploaded IC
Removed old profile page
Added tooltip text to 2 lines to start measuring and complete measuring.
August release: 2022.2.10
IC card now shows capture date, not upload date.
Explore panel now has most recently uploaded collections listed first.
Added tooltip for Make measurements
Added social media links in user profile API
August release: 2022.2.9
Changed the Scalebar measurement bounding to box format.
Users are now able to zoom to their current location based on their IP address or GPS if on a mobile device.
Users are now able to zoom in to the pixel level of an image (10mm).
Redesigned Zoom in and Zoom out buttons.
Designed a Toggle Satellite view vs a Map View.
July release: 2022.2.8
Users are now able to log in with either their username or email address.
A new Passwordless login design was implemented.
A new Magic link expired design was implemented.
The autogenerated user name in passwordless login was removed.
A duplicate error banner was removed from the top right hand corner.
July release: 2022.2.7
When an Image Collection is zipped in the server and ready to download, an email is now sent to the user with the subject "Image download package available" with a new UI.
When Orthomosiacs have been processed they are now sent to the user with updated UI.
Email UI design for email verification updated.
Error message for password security requirements shows up during signup/login.
June release: 2022.2.6
Allow user to set up the password after using passwordless login
Adjust default profile pic when user is not logged in
Fixed the overflowing text in user profile showcases
Added sharing shortcut for user’s own profile
Added sharing shortcut for individual IC
June release: 2022.2.5
Resolved Raw image loading issue after orthomosaic is created
Improved “All Image Collection” loading
Added full “GeoNadir” logo to homepage
Increased label visibility of individual layer in “Create”
Added review options after successfully uploading images
Added additional image labels in Raw Image view for better tracking of uploaded images
May release: 2022.2.4
Introduced "Passwordless" log in
Added Total area and count for feature layer in “Create”
Correlated icon for circle features in “Create”
Added “create new user” link at home page
Fixed location indicator on data platform
Improved Image Collection loading issue on Explore sidebar
Misc bug fixed
May release: 2022.2.3
Removed the navigation limit along same latitude (so use can drag the base map like a globe now)
Linked the icon outline and fill color to the style of each feature layer user set up
Improved general loading speed
Added eye icon on the IC cards with orthomosic
Added a message indicating the absence of orthomosaic on the IC map page
Misc bugs fixed
April release: 2022.2.2
Added raw photo loading animation in Image Collection
Added clickable link for the new Image Collection in the displayed message once the upload is finished.
Removed tips from blocking Explore side panel
Added indication of orthomosaic (eye icons) in all Image Collection info cards
Fixed “search as I move the map” issues
Disabled drawing new feature if the layer is hidden
Added explanatory notes when cursor is hovering on top of clickable buttons
Allowed text wrap for long Image Collection names
Modified feature naming convention in Create for each layer
Increased of the GPS coordinates precision for point features in Create
Improved basemap loading speed
April release: 2022.2.1
Allowed user to add/remove one Image Collection to/from one or multiple showcases
Updated the design of the scale bar
Added animated loaders in user profiles, showcases, and map page
Fixed miscellaneous typos and metadata extraction error
Removed special character limits for naming Image Collection
Allowed “Back” button restore the page/extend user was previously on
Disable users from editing other user’s showcases
Fixed pop up windows in “Create” while deleting layers
March release: 2022.2.0
Launch of Brand new feature Create for users to draw point, line, polygon, text and circles on the map
Released “measure” function (inside the Create function)
Introduced new interactive user guide and feedback button (life ring at the bottom right corner)
Management of multiple showcases made easier
Updated the sidebar menu icons & labels
Improved the scale bar and credits contrast
Improved orthomosaic publishing workflow
Fixed adding Image Collections to multiple showcases issue
Fixed zoom scale varying issue
Fixed user profile loading issue
Allowed special characters in Image Collection names
Misc bugs fixed
February release: 2022.1.0
Added “scale bar” to all maps
Added base map credits to all maps
Misc bugs fixed
November release: 2021.3.0
Added a “Showcase” feature that allows users to save and share their favorite Image Collection for later usage.
Converted basemap to Esri basemap
Optimized WMS for beta testers
October release: 2021.2.3
Optimized UI design
Misc bugs fixed
July release: 2021.2.2
Optimized orthomosaic loading speed
Allowed users to toggle the orthomosaic on and off on the main explore page
Added indicator for orthomosaic on Image Collection card (that little eye icon!)
June release: 2021.2.1
Integrated with GeoServer
Updated the access of downloading images
Misc bugs fixed
May release: 2021.2.0
Provided free orthomosaic generation for all Image Collections with decent images and flight lines
Added “Map” tab for Image Collections to visualize the orthomosaic of the datasets
Published new design color themes and logos
April release: 2021.1.2
Established sea cucumber datahunt campaign
Optimized data upload UI
Added “Search as I move the map” function
Added “Advanced search” filters - category
March release: 2021.1.1
Fixed internet/browser interruption while uploading
Added reminder for user uploading bad images (non-geo tagged drone images)
Optimized large dataset uploading flow
Supported different browser
Tested orthomosaic generation with uploaded Image Collections.
January release: 2021.1.0
Beta Release
Released data.geonadir.com for data uploading
Opened for new user sign up
Fixed thumbnail showing problem in an image collection “raw image” tab
Fixed email verification for new user sign up
Fixed email notification for user forgot password
Fixed “search” function
Improved UI features
Improved image upload speed
Optimized front-end image loading speed
Updated home page (FAQ, terms of use & support)
December release: 2020.0.1
Pre-Beta Release
Released www.geonadir.com
Released internal beta test