Who can use this feature
All users on the GeoNadir platform have access to additional functionality with a right click.
Not every function or tool has it's own button. There wouldn't be enough room on the browser interface for that! We use the right mouse button to gain access to a range of different actions. Often it's a lot easier to right click as well, rather than navigate your mouse to another area on the browser.
The actions available on right click vary depending on what you are clicking on. Note that some actions may not be available to you unless you have the right permissions inside a project.
Table of contents - right click on a point, line, polygon, or text layer
Show / hide
Only show this layer
Zoom to location
Show / hide labels
Bring to front
Send to back
Bring forwards
Send backwards
Lock / unlock
Table of contents - right click on a drone mapping dataset
Show / hide
Zoom to location
Dataset details
Bring to front
Send to back
Bring forwards
Send backwards
Remove from project
Right click on the map view within a project
Cursor coordinate - click this to copy to clipboard
Undo last edit
Redo last undo
Centre map at the cursor location
Zoom in
Zoom out
Copy map
Save map as an image to file
Note that when you access a right click menu, you will also see the corresponding shortcuts. We've designed these to keep you moving faster as you edit in your project.